Since 2002, every year, on six Sundays between November and December, the appointment with one of the most anticipated and renowned autumn events in the Biella area is renewed, capable of attracting more than 20 thousand visitors, the Mercatino degli Angeli: the angels, a symbol of peace and love. As Christmas approaches, the town is filled with Christmas lights and decorations.

Walking among the stalls and the characteristic wooden houses of the exhibitors, around a hundred on each date, you will find handicrafts, sweet delicacies and many gift ideas on display.

At the four dining options in the area, people can keep warm with the typical vin brulè (similar to mulled wine), roast chestnuts and hot chocolate; otherwise, they can enjoy warm dishes from the Piedmont cuisine.

Visiting the Mercatino degli Angeli also means visiting the small town of Sordevolo, with its Passion Museum, the exhibition of the Vercellone Lanifici Archive, its decorated streets and its natural attractions, but also the three exhibitions set up every year by different artists in the spaces of the Municipal Palace and the Civic Library.

It also means discovering its inhabitants’ simple hospitality and warmth and enjoying the excellent food from the many local restaurants. Visiting Sordevolo means discovering the Elvo Valley with its natural beauties and the hospitality offered by tourist facilities.